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Allianz Arena Skybox - Your special place

75.000 people can be seated at games in the Allianz Arena.

On request, a very special one, because the 106 skyboxes in the Allianz Arena, with space for a total of 1.371 guests, offer the ideal platform to experience FC Bayern Munich games up close.

There you can offer your business partners and customers something very special. The best seats in the extraordinary atmosphere of the Allianz Arena will help you to maintain business contacts and establish new partnerships.


Allianz Arena München Stadion GmbH
Abteilung Logen, Sonderspiele und Kundenbeziehungen
Werner-Heisenberg-Allee 25
80939 München
Email: logen@allianz-arena.com

Skybox Informationflyer

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