General information
Babies / Kids
Each individual visitor possess a valid ticket in order to pass through the entrance turnstiles at the Allianz Arena. For health and safety reasons, it is prohibited for children to attend a match without their own separate seat. The licensed maximum stadium capacity cannot be exceeded. Individuals who are not in possession of a valid ticket would be excluded from the relevant insurance policies.
Concessionary ticket / normal ticket
Exchanges are possible by paying the difference to one of the stewards just beyond security on match day.
Entry with concessionary ticket
Not all entrances of the Allianz Arena can be used with concessionary tickets. Please use the designated turnstiles.

Items which will be confiscated during entrance controls:
- Liquids of all kinds (including refill liquids for e-cigarettes)
- Glass-/Plastic bottles, Tetra Pak, Thermos, Cups, Cans, Jars
- Baby bottles in all sizes
- Handbags larger than the size A4
- Backpacks, fabric-, plastic-, and gym bags larger than the size A4
- Balls of any kind
- Any fruit, such as apples, bananas, oranges, etc.
- Metal or glass flasks
- Laser pointers
- Megaphones
- Air horns
- Weapons, Spray cans (deodorants, hair spray, spray paint)
- Knives of any size (including penknives), Scissors, Nail files, Tools of any kind
- Not more than 1 lighter
- Flammable items (home made trophies etc.)
- Studded bracelets, collars, and belts
- Metal chains over 50 cm in length (for securing wallets/purses)
- Motorcycle Helmets
- Umbrellas with metal tips
- Banners or items with slogans that contain offensive, political, or racist content
- Metal flag poles, Flags (over 1.5m)
- Professional camera equipment (unauthorised TV cameras)
- Professional photography equipment (telephoto lens etc.) including bags
- Selfie sticks, telescopes for mobile devices
- Batteries
- Powerbanks over 100 gramm
- Ladders, stools, boxes, suitcases (bulky items)
- Booster seat, Pushchairs, buggy, wheeled walker, scooters, bicycles
General information on photos and films
Footage by photo and video cameras is allowed for private use only. Only SLR cameras with standard lenses are allowed (up to 200 mm); no telephoto lenses, no additional bags/camera bags, no tripods.
The following fan items may be brought into the stadium
- Flags (wooden poles): length max. 1.50 metres, diameter max. 2 cm
- Plastic poles: hollow and flexible, length max. 1.50 metres, diameter 3 cm
- Drums (open at the bottom so they can be visually inspected)
- Fance flags / fan club flags with proper names / name of the fan club max. 1 metres
- Beltbags will be controlled on entry!
- Photo cameras (digital, SLR) with lenses for private use
- Empty, transparent PET bottles up to 0.5l
The following items will not be confiscated:
- Clearly labelled medicines (including those in glass bottles or spray cans)
- Photo cameras (digital, SLR). Footage for private use only - see ticket instructions
- Commercial video cameras. Footage for private use only - see ticket instructions
Binoculars with a magnification and lens of a maximum of 10x50
Seat cushions and blankets (in the winter months)
- Umbrellas without metal tips
The following items must be authorised
All items must be registered in written form at the fan and fan club support department at least one week before the match.
- Items with slogans, banners, posters (text and size)
- Larger flags (details)
- Choreographies (design, materials)
- Flyers, brochures, fan magazines (complete contents)
- Confetti, streamers (etc.)
Address: FC Bayern München
Fan- und Fanclubbetreuung
Säbener Str. 51-57
81547 München
Fax: 089/642 23 91
If the following items are found the police will be informed
- Pyrotechnical devices/fireworks of any kind
- Flags and other items with swastikas or other Nazi-related symbols
- Static knives with blades longer than 10 cm, both edges sharpened
- Rambo knives
- Butterfly knives
- Weapons of any kind (including throwing stars/Shuriken, knuckledusters)
- Tablets in plastic bags
- Powders in plastic bags or other unusual containers