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Tours of the Allianz Arena at a glance

Booking form

Group booking

For bookings, please use this form. The fields indicated by an * are obligatory and must be filled out. This booking is binding as soon as you receive our confirmation for your requested date.
For complete information regarding tours and the FC Bayern Museum, please contact our team by phone +49.89.69931-222 (Mo - Fr from 8:30 am until 6:00 pm).

Please note: Sale and execution of Arena Tours, including those sold as Combi Tickets, is performed and billed in the name of DO & CO München GmbH, a company of DO & CO Group. Ticketing (both of the FC Bayern Museum and Arena Tours) and the corresponding invoicing is performed by the FC Bayern München AG. The contractual partner for FC Bayern Museum tickets is FC Bayern München AG.

If you do not have an FCB customer number yet, please register at: Registration
Desired Payment Method (Pre-information) *
In case of a different delivery address, please leave a billing address.
In case of a different delivery address, please leave a billing address.
When booking Tour & FCB Museum, we always plan the tour first and afterwards the visit to the museum.
Visit the FC Bayern Museum - Germany's largest club museum. Experience FC Bayern Munich in a fascinating and emotional journey from its founding in 1900 to its current triumphs. Click here to learn more about our group package price, or visit FCB Museum online.

Please provide your wishes or special requests here.
By checking this box, you agree to the General Terms and Conditions for visitor tours at the Allianz Arena Munich. Please click here to read the General Terms and Conditions for visitor tours at the Allianz Arena Munich.
Your personal data will be processed based on the GDPR and the BDSG. You can find the complete privacy policy here.